Rider Rights
The NMA has been preserving riding areas in Washington State since 1973. We are active in every state legislative session to protect and promote off-road motorcycling in Washington. NMA works directly with state and federal agencies on land use and management strategies. We are advisory committee members in both NOVA and RTP grant programs, which are managed by Washington Recreation and Conservation Office. We are your voice, and we are dedicated to the preservation of off-road motorcycling!
Our efforts are powered in part by the support we receive from you. Your donations and membership contribute to NMA’s strength…donate and become a member today!
We’ve been working hard to keep off-road motorcycle riding open on public lands for all ages here in Washington for over 40 years. Take a look at what we’ve accomplished during just the last 11 years.
The Rider Rights section of the NMA website is your portal to all sorts of information on laws and policies impacting your riding in Washington. In this area you’ll find:
Land Use Reports
Find out what’s in the works at various riding areas.
Legislative Issues
This section delivers information on the current legislative session.
Legal/Land Use Docs
This section provides legislative and policy documentation related to land use in the DNR and USFS.
NOVA Program
NOVA a the major grant source for maintaining public riding areas. Your money funds this program.
Want to do some of your own investigation? The Resources section will help you get started.
Become a NMA Member
Don’t worry about what time of year it is. NMA memberships expire at the end of your membership term – on the anniversary date. For example, if you’re paying for a membership in July your renewal will come due in July the following year.
Join Today! Registration is easy!