Single Track Trail Design Fundamentals

Home NMA Forum Heavy Maintenance Crew Single Track Trail Design Fundamentals

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    • #2071
      Marc Toenyan

      Our HMC strives to build and maintain motorized single track trail in a manner that follows best practices and USFS trail construction and design standards. We have assembled a variety of reference and training materials and have them published on our publicly accessible Trail Construction folder.
      The best place to start attaining knowledge is by studying the USFS Trail Design Fundamentals Training Package.
      After that you are encouraged to review The Search for the Holy Trail, a presentation assembled by Dave Hiatt.
      There are numerous illustrations to become familiar with in the HMC Best Practices Illustrations folder.
      The Trail Construction folder has a number of other resources for everyone to learn from in order to help restore, repair, and maintaining motorized single track trail.

    • #2072
      Marc Toenyan

      What characteristics describe a Class III trail designed/maintained for motorcycle use?

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